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Refund Policy


Welcome to Tacracked (“We,” “Us,” “Our,” or “Tacracked”). We appreciate your interest in our premium trading indicators and services. This Refund and Cancellation Policy is an integral part of our commitment to providing a transparent and customer-centric experience. It sets forth the terms and conditions under which customers can request refunds and cancel their subscriptions for our indicators and services offered through the TradingView platform.

Our policy is designed to provide clarity and fairness in our transactions, ensuring that your experience with our services is both rewarding and hassle-free. By subscribing to our services, you agree to be bound by the terms of this policy, which is intended to protect both you as our valued customer and our business interests.

It is important to us that you understand these terms, as they outline your rights and obligations regarding refunds and cancellations. We encourage you to read this policy carefully and to reach out to our customer support team should you have any questions or need further clarification.

This policy applies to all Tacracked customers worldwide and is part of our larger Terms and Conditions. By engaging with our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Refund and Cancellation Policy as well as all other applicable terms and conditions. Please note that this policy may be updated from time to time, and we will communicate any significant changes through our usual channels. We recommend reviewing this policy periodically to stay informed of your rights and responsibilities.

Thank you for choosing Tacracked. We are committed to your satisfaction and are here to support your trading endeavors with our state-of-the-art indicators and exceptional customer service.


At Tacracked, we strive to ensure customer satisfaction with our premium trading indicators. We understand that circumstances may arise where you might need to request a refund. Our eligibility criteria for refunds are designed to be fair and transparent, providing clarity on when and how you can seek a refund.

You are eligible for a refund within 7 days from the date of your service charge of your subscription plan. This refund policy applies to all subscribers across our various subscription plans. Additionally, your account must be in good standing. This means there should be no unresolved disputes, pending investigations, or violations of our Terms and Conditions. An account in good standing reflects a mutually respectful and compliant user relationship with our services.

While we strive to accommodate refund requests, we reserve the right to decline a refund in certain situations. This may occur if there are indications of misuse of our services, fraudulent activities, or other substantial reasons that go against our Terms and Conditions or operational policies.

To begin the refund process, please reach out to our customer support with your account information and, if applicable, your reason for the refund. Our team will guide you through the steps and inform you of any additional requirements.

We are committed to processing all eligible refunds swiftly and effectively, upholding our high standard of customer service. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation, which enables us to uphold the quality and integrity of our services.


We understand that prompt and efficient handling of refunds is crucial to maintaining trust and satisfaction with our services. This section outlines the process we follow once a refund request is initiated, ensuring transparency and professionalism in every step.

  • Initiation of Refund Request: Once you contact our customer support to initiate a refund, our team will verify your account status and the eligibility criteria as per our policy. We aim to initiate the refund process swiftly upon confirmation of your eligibility.
  • Verification and Approval: Our team conducts a thorough review to ensure that all conditions for a refund are met. This includes verifying the account’s standing and ensuring compliance with our terms. The approval process is meticulous to maintain fairness and integrity.
  • Processing Time: Upon approval of the refund, we process it within 3 business days. This timeframe allows us to ensure all necessary checks are completed, and funds are accurately returned to the correct account.
  • Method of Refund: Refunds are typically issued to the original method of payment unless otherwise requested or if such a method is no longer viable. In special circumstances, alternate refund methods may be considered at the discretion of our finance department.
  • Exceptions and Special Circumstances: While we adhere to a standard refund process, we acknowledge that special circumstances may arise. In such cases, we will handle refunds on a case-by-case basis to ensure fairness and customer satisfaction.

Our commitment to a streamlined and transparent refund process is a testament to our dedication to customer service excellence. We understand that refunds can be sensitive transactions, and we approach them with the utmost respect and professionalism. For any queries or assistance during the refund process, our customer support team is readily available to provide guidance and support.


We believe in providing our customers with flexibility and control over their subscription choices. This Cancellation Policy outlines the process and terms for canceling your subscription to our services. Our goal is to make the cancellation process as straightforward and transparent as possible, while respecting the terms of our agreement.

  • Initiation of Cancellation: To cancel your subscription, please start a conversation with our live support team. Simply state “I would like to cancel my service” to begin the process. Our team is available 24/7 to assist you and ensure that your request is handled promptly.
  • Verification and Confirmation: Upon receiving your cancellation request, we will verify your account details and confirm the status of your subscription. This step is crucial to ensure that the cancellation request is processed correctly and to prevent any unauthorized changes to your account.
  • Final Usage and Access: After cancellation, you will continue to have access to our services until the end of your current billing cycle. This allows you to utilize the service for the period that has already been paid for.
  • Processing of Cancellation: Once your request is verified, we will process the cancellation.
  • Feedback and Improvement: After cancellation, we may reach out to you for feedback regarding your experience with our services. Your input is invaluable to us as it helps us to continually improve and tailor our offerings.
  • Reactivation of Subscription: Should you decide to reactivate your subscription in the future, we would be more than happy to assist you. Our team will guide you through the reactivation process, ensuring a seamless transition back to our services.

We understand that your needs and circumstances can change, and we are committed to providing a cancellation policy that respects your decisions. Our customer support team is always here to assist you through the cancellation process and answer any questions you may have. At Tacracked, your satisfaction and convenience are our top priorities.


Dynamic Policy Approach: We continuously monitor and update our policies to reflect new insights, feedback from you, and evolving legal requirements. This dynamic approach ensures that our services and policies, including this Refund and Cancellation Policy, align with your best interests and current standards.

  • Your Awareness and Responsibility: We encourage you to regularly review this policy on our website to stay informed about any changes. It is your responsibility to be aware of these updates as they may affect your rights and obligations related to refunds and cancellations. The most current version of this policy will always be available on our website, and by continuing to use our services, you acknowledge and accept these changes.
  • Notification of Major Changes: While we do not individually notify customers of changes to this policy, significant modifications that could substantially impact your use of our services will be highlighted on our website. We recommend checking the policy periodically, especially if you are considering a new subscription or renewal.
  • Compliance and Best Practices: All changes to this policy are made with a commitment to legal compliance and best practices in customer service. We strive to ensure that our policies are fair, transparent, and understandable for you.
  • Engagement and Feedback: Your feedback is valuable in shaping our policies. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions on how we can improve. Please feel free to contact us with any feedback regarding this policy.

We believe in building a relationship based on trust and transparency, and updating our policies is a key part of this commitment. Your understanding and adherence to these changes are greatly appreciated as we continue to provide you with quality services.


Tacracked operates with a steadfast commitment to adhering to all applicable laws and regulatory requirements. This Legal Compliance section of our Refund and Cancellation Policy underscores our dedication to conducting business within the legal frameworks that govern our operations.

  • Adherence to Laws and Regulations: Our policies, including this Refund and Cancellation Policy, are developed and implemented in strict conformity with relevant legal standards. We ensure that our practices align with federal, state, and international laws that pertain to our business operations, particularly those relating to e-commerce, consumer protection, and financial services.
  • Regular Policy Review and Updates: To ensure ongoing compliance, we regularly review and, if necessary, update our policies to reflect changes in legislation and regulatory guidance. This proactive approach ensures that our practices remain lawful and relevant.
  • Severability Clause: If any part of this policy is deemed unlawful or unenforceable under applicable law, such provision will be severed from this policy. The remaining parts will continue in full force and effect, ensuring that the overall integrity of the policy is maintained.
  • Transparency and Responsibility: We are transparent in our business practices and take responsibility for ensuring that our policies are lawful and ethically sound. Our commitment to legal compliance is not merely an obligation, but a core value that guides our interactions with customers and stakeholders.

We are dedicated to upholding the highest legal and ethical standards, providing our customers with services that are not only exceptional but also compliant with the law. Should you have any questions regarding the legal aspects of our policies, our customer support team is available to provide assistance and guidance.


We recognize that unique and unforeseen situations may arise that necessitate special consideration regarding refunds and cancellations. This Exceptional Circumstances provision is designed to address such scenarios, ensuring a fair and empathetic approach to your needs.

  • Definition of Exceptional Circumstances: Exceptional circumstances refer to rare and significant events beyond your control that impact your ability to use our services as intended. These may include, but are not limited to, major technical failures on our part, significant service interruptions, or other extraordinary events.
  • Assessment and Verification: When you claim an exceptional circumstance, our team will assess your situation on a case-by-case basis. We may require reasonable documentation or evidence to verify the nature and impact of the circumstance. This process is vital to ensure fairness and accuracy in addressing your concerns.
  • Handling of Refund and Cancellation Requests: In cases deemed as exceptional, we may provide flexibility in our standard refund and cancellation policies. This could include extending the refund eligibility period, waiving certain conditions, or offering alternative compensations such as credit for future use.
  • Communication and Resolution: Our priority in dealing with exceptional circumstances is to communicate clearly and resolve the matter efficiently. We will keep you informed throughout the process and strive to reach a resolution that is considerate of your situation while being aligned with our policy framework.
  • Limitations and Discretion: While we aim to be as accommodating as possible, it’s important to note that each request under exceptional circumstances is subject to our discretion. We will evaluate the impact, feasibility, and precedent of each case in making our decision.
  • Learning and Improvement: Instances of exceptional circumstances provide us with valuable insights. We use these experiences to continually improve our services and policies, ensuring better preparedness and responsiveness in the future.

Your trust and satisfaction are paramount to us at Tacracked. We understand that life can be unpredictable, and our commitment is to handle exceptional circumstances with the utmost care and consideration. If you find yourself in an unusual situation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.


At Tacracked, ensuring a secure and efficient processing of refunds and cancellations is of utmost importance. To achieve this, we may require specific documentation from you, as outlined in this Documentation Requirement provision. Our aim is to verify the authenticity of requests and maintain the integrity of our services, while safeguarding your personal and financial information.

  • Nature of Required Documentation: When you initiate a refund or cancellation request, we may require you to provide certain documents. These could include a copy of your original payment receipt, proof of identity, and any communication related to your request. The specific nature of the documentation will depend on the circumstances of your request.
  • Purpose of Documentation: The required documentation helps us to confirm your identity and protect against unauthorized requests, verify the transaction details and ensure the accuracy of the refund or cancellation, and understand the context of your request, particularly in cases of exceptional circumstances or disputes.
  • Submission Process: We will guide you on how to securely submit the necessary documents. This may be through a dedicated section on our website or via a secure email. We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of your submitted information.
  • Verification and Review: Upon receiving your documents, our team will review them promptly. This process is crucial to validate your request and proceed with the refund or cancellation in a timely manner.
  • Data Protection and Privacy: We adhere to strict data protection and privacy standards. Any documentation you provide will be used solely for the purpose of processing your request and will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  • Incomplete or Inaccurate Documentation: In cases where the provided documentation is incomplete or inaccurate, we may contact you for additional information. Timely submission of the correct documents is essential for the swift processing of your request.

We appreciate your cooperation in providing the necessary documentation.


In the event of a dispute related to our Refund and Cancellation Policy, or any aspect of our services, we have established a clear and fair Dispute Resolution process. This process is designed to address your concerns efficiently and effectively, while maintaining a professional and respectful environment.

  • Initial Resolution Attempt: If you have a dispute, we encourage you to first contact our customer support team. Many disputes can be resolved quickly through direct communication. Our team is trained to handle various issues and will make every effort to address your concerns to your satisfaction.
  • Formal Dispute Submission: Should the issue not be resolved through initial contact, you may submit a formal dispute. This should be in writing and include a detailed description of the issue, any relevant documentation, and your proposed resolution. This formal submission can be sent via email or through a designated section on our website.
  • Review and Response: Upon receiving your formal dispute submission, it will be reviewed by a dedicated team. We aim to respond within a specified timeframe, usually within 7 days . Our response will include an assessment of the dispute, any findings, and proposed solutions.
  • Mediation and Negotiation: If the dispute is complex or remains unresolved after our initial response, we may suggest mediation. This involves a neutral third party who will help us negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution. Mediation is a voluntary process and is aimed at reaching a collaborative solution.
  • Arbitration Clause: In certain circumstances, if a dispute cannot be resolved through the above means, it may be required to proceed to arbitration. Arbitration involves a neutral arbitrator who will make a binding decision based on the evidence presented. Details of the arbitration process, including any governing rules and how an arbitrator is selected, will be provided.
  • Legal Recourse: While we aim to resolve disputes internally or through mediation or arbitration, you retain the right to seek legal recourse as per the governing laws.

We understand that disputes can be stressful and disruptive. Our goal in this Dispute Resolution process is to handle any issues in a manner that is fair, transparent, and respectful to all parties involved.


This Acknowledgement and Acceptance provision is a fundamental part of our Refund and Cancellation Policy at Tacracked. It serves to ensure that there is a mutual understanding and agreement between you, our valued customer, and us, as your service provider, regarding the terms and conditions of refunds and cancellations.

  • Acknowledgement of Policy: By subscribing to our services and/or using our indicators on TradingView, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms outlined in our Refund and Cancellation Policy. This includes an understanding of your rights and responsibilities concerning refunds, cancellations, and any related processes.
  • Informed Consent: Your continued use of our services represents your informed consent to this policy. It signifies that you have taken the time to review and understand how our refund and cancellation processes work, and you agree to comply with these terms.
  • Periodic Review Encouraged: We encourage you to periodically review this policy. This ensures that you remain informed about any changes or updates that may affect your subscription and associated rights. Keeping yourself updated helps in making informed decisions regarding your continued use of our services.
  • Binding Agreement: This policy, as acknowledged and accepted by you, forms a binding agreement between you and Chart Prime Trading, LLC. It governs your subscription and use of our services, specifically in relation to refunds and cancellations.
  • Legal Capacity and Authority: By agreeing to this policy, you affirm that you have the legal capacity to enter into such an agreement and that you are not violating any laws or regulations by subscribing to and utilizing our services.


Scope: For any inquiries, concerns, or clarifications regarding this Refund and Cancellation Policy, or any other matter related to our services, you are encouraged to communicate with us directly. Our dedicated team is available and eager to assist you in understanding and navigating through any aspect of our services

Communication Channels: If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding any of our products or services, please feel free to contact us at.

Response Time: We will make reasonable efforts to respond to your inquiries promptly, typically within., two business days. However, please note that response times may vary depending on the nature and complexity of your inquiry.

Provide Sufficient Information: To assist us in addressing your concerns effectively, please ensure that your communication includes your name, contact information, and a clear description of your question or issue.

Updates: We may update the contact information provided herein from time to time. It is your responsibility to check this provision for the most current contact information.

No Legal Advice: Please note that any information provided through our contact channels is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. For specific legal or financial concerns, consult with a qualified professional.

Record Keeping: We may retain records of your inquiries and our responses for our records and as required by applicable laws and regulations.

It is our intention to provide you with the highest level of service and to ensure that your engagement with our platform is satisfactory and productive. Your cooperation in adhering to the stipulated communication channels is greatly appreciated and vital in ensuring that your queries are addressed accurately and promptly.